Where should the sun/glassfish-resources.xml file be placed?

From: Dan Kaplan <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:19:05 -0700

The guide has
details but I don't understand them:

> An application-scoped resource is defined in the
> glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. This file is placed
in the
> META-INF directory of the module or application archive. For web
applications or
> modules, this file is placed in the WEB-INF directory. If any submodule
archives of an
> enterprise application archive have their own glassfish-resources.xml
files, the
> resource definitions are scoped to those modules only. For more
information about the
> glassfish-resources.xml file, see GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor
Files and
> Elements of the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors.

Right now I have a sun-resources.xml file in my EJB jar but on deploy of my
ear, I get this error:

[2014-03-12T13:15:52.507-0700] [glassfish 4.0] [SEVERE] []
[] [tid:
_ThreadID=445 _ThreadName=admin-listener(10)] [timeMillis: 1394655352507]
[levelValue: 1000] [[
com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException: Invalid
destination jms/AgentMDB for MDB: JNDI name not found

This same sun-resources.xml file works without issue when I deploy it to
GF2. I'm wondering if I put my sun-resources.xml file in the wrong
location. It's at /ejb.jar/META-INF/sun-resources.xml Should it be under

I don't see a log message that says it attempted to read that file.

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