Java EE 8 Survey Last Call!

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:29:43 -0400


As many of you are aware, we have been running the Java EE 8 survey as a
way to solidly kick start the next round of standardization for the
platform. We would now like to wrap up the survey and move on to the
next logical steps. To that end, we will be closing the third and final
part of the survey in the next two weeks (specifically on Monday the
24th, midnight Pacific time). If you still have not filled out the
survey, please do now:

While part one and two focused on specific features, this last part is
all about assigning priorities to the most important features. In some
ways, this is the most important part of the survey so we highly
encourage you to help us by providing input as early as possible and
help correctly shape the future of Java EE. If possible, please also
help us out by getting the word out.

M. Reza Rahman | Java EE Evangelist
Cell: 267-798-9331
Home Office: 215-736-1208
Google/Skype: m.reza.rahman
Twitter: @reza_rahman