Updating glassfish file password via REST

From: Sainz de Murieta Fuentes, Inaki <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 15:11:34 +0000

To whom it might concern,

I want to implement a simple authentication process on a glassfish web application. I would like to use the basic file realm to maintain users and passwords, and was expecting to use the "create-user", "update-user" and "delete-user" resources available at http://localhost:4848/management/domain/configs/config/server-config/security-service/auth-realm/file/

I've tried several times to execute them, either from the browser or from command line using cURL, but neither of them is working.

However, the "list-user" function seems to be working fine, so apparently the problem is just for commands updating data, but not for the read-only commands.

Could you help me understand what could be missing? Perhaps a global setting to enable those REST services?

Many thanks in advance,