debugging LDAP realm?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 16:39:21 +0100


in the process of trying to make our Glassfish ( authenticate
users against a local LDAP server (ApacheDS 2.x), after trying and
reading for most of this afternoon I am still pretty much stuck. Mostly
made my way through the tutorial at [1], all along with reading some
Glassfish reference documentation. In a nutshell, after configuring
things the way it seemed they should be, I can't get beyond a ...

Web Login Failed:
h.login.common.LoginException: Login failed: Failed file login for <user>

... message in my log files. :| So to ask:

- Though everything in the sample project is configured to point to
ldapRealm, why on earth "Failed _file_ login"?

- I have spent quite some time playing with the Glassfish log level
settings but completely failed to get _any_ more meaningful information
on what actually happens in here, so right now I can't even figure out
whether Glassfish actually _tries_ connecting to my LDAP server. Used to
set log levels for

and a bunch of others that _seem_ related to FINEST, even ALL, without
anything changing in any way. So, _is_ there any way to, in a running
Glassfish domain, figure out what's wrong about the LDAP realm setup?
Something like "Ping" (in creating JDBC data sources) definitely would
be helpful...

Thanks in advance for any comments on that.
