Re: Dependency management and embedded Glassfish

From: Romain Grecourt <>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 19:03:00 +0200

Hi Oliver,

Feel free to feel a RFE (request for enhancement) in JIRA
( with fix version "future release".


On 9/4/13 4:31 PM, Oliver B. Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> the embedded Glassfish is provided as huge uber jar. But wouldn't it
> be possible to provide it as POM with all required dependencies? This
> approach would allow to avoid dependency problems as I am facing them
> now. Sometimes the version of classes contained in embedded Glassfish
> differ from the dependecies required or provided by other libraries.
> SLF4J, ASM, and Joda time are some examples. The POM approach would at
> least allow to analyse the dependencies of embedded Glassfish.
> Best,
> Oliver