CryptoList - Looking for beta testers

From: Oliver Verlinden <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:16:15 +0200

Hey guys,

some days ago I had the idea of a pgp compatible mailing list.
I know there is a mailman extension which supports pgp encrypted messages out
there, but I wanted ta have a small, fast and easy to configure solution
running on the Java EE plattform (Glassfish 3).

I imagined something like that:
- A list member writes an pgp signed and encrypted message to the list server
- Encryption is enforced: Non encrypted messages are rejected
- The senders pgp signature is checked, to ensure the message integrity
- The message is multiplied and resigned/reencrypted by the list server
- The signed and encrypted messages are delivered to the list members

Well last weekend, so I started to code. ;)

Meanwhile the key functionalities are implemented and the project is ready for
some beta tests. It's very annoying to write emails to myself all the time to
check functionality. So if you want to try this, just give me a short
notification with your public key id. I will add your public key into the lists
keyring and add you to the recipients list.

After some testings, the whole project will be available on SourceForge.

Best regards
Oliver Verlinden