GF4 Applications logs don't show up in node logs (clustered environment)

From: Paulo Pires <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 13:53:24 +0100

Hi all,

I've created a couple nodes cluster with GF 4.0.1-b04-09_11_2013 an
deployed a simple JAX-RS 2.0 app [1]. And while the app show logs both in
integration-tests (GF Embedded 4.0) and when I deploy the app in the DAS
(not clustered), the same doesn't happen when deploying the app in the

Also, I only see app deployment logs (in the nodes) if I restart the
cluster and not if I redeploy the app or undeploy/deploy it.

Am I missing some configuration?

1 - App source-code with integration tests at

Also, I've opened a discussion in the forum, at

Paulo Pires