Application deployed to a virtual server issue

From: David Flores <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:26:37 -0500

Hi there,

Hope this email finds you well. Not quite sure if this address is the right
one to send my question but I am desperate to find someone to point me in
the right direction with the problem I am having running an application on

I have set up virtual servers for two applications sunlightfilmfestival.comand

The problem is with the second one:

If I try to access any of the Data Base resources through (Resources link), inexplicably the application takes to
the Home page.

But when I access the application through (The
IP and port where greatestrevival virtual server resides) everything works
just fine.

The support people at the company where I host the sites, tell me that
everything on the server and Apache settings are correct so, the only thing
I am left with is a possible error when deploying the applications to
virtual servers in Glassfish.

Another pointer though, when deploying the FLH application, even I tell it
to deploy to a virtual server, when I view the application through the
Admin Console, somehow the FLH looks like it is not deploy to a virtual
server (I could provide screen shots of the page if that would help).

Any way, If you could point me to a reference to help me solve this issue,
it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

David F.