_at_WebService and _at_Stateless not showing endpoint in GlassFish 4.0

From: Antonio Goncalves <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:27:18 +0200

Hi all,

I wrote two very basic SOAP Web Services ( :
one using a servlet endpoint and another one using an EJB endpoint :

public class HelloServletEndpoint {

    public String saySomethingServlet(String something) {
        return "The HelloServletEndpoint is saying : " + something;

public class HelloEJBEndpoint {

    public String saySomethingEJB(String something) {
        return "The HelloEJBEndpoint is saying : " + something;

I've packaged them in a war file and deployed the war into a GlassFish 4.0
instance (a full profile). When I check the admin console, I can view the
servlet endpoint (test it and see the generated WSDL) but it does not work
with the EJB endpoint (see the attached image).

Because JAX-WS is not part of the Web Profile I'm wondering if I need to
package this into an ear file... Any idea of what's happening ?


Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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