Thanks a lot for the response and sorry for the delay. For administrative
reasons I had no access to a real Jelastic account for further tests. With
your confirmation in mind I tested a cluster on my PC and all works as
expected. The client sees all messages, no matter to which instance of the
cluster it is connected. In the log on my working configuration I found this
*ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider:
mq://localhost:27676/,mq://localhost:27677/*|#] On Jelastic I have to use the
Log Viewer of the Admin Console. I searched for "ADDRESSLIST in
setJmsServiceProvider" and got: Instance 1: ADDRESSLIST in
setJmsServiceProvider: *mq://localhost:27676/,mq://*
Instance 2: ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider:
*mq://,mq://localhost:27676/* This looked suspect and lead
me to Your text to link... [1]. I then tried to modify the first nodes "Node
Host" from localhost to its IP address. But that just gives an exception:
*Cannot update node localhost-domain1. It is the built-in localhost node.* Do
you have any suggestion on how to proceed? Is there something Jelastic should
do differently when setting up a GlassFish cluster or is it a GlassFish
problem? Can I fix it myself?
[Message sent by forum member 'kappert']
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