Re: Writing a JMS client for a Message Queue Broker Cluster ...

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 04:02:10 -0500 (CDT)

Thanks for analyzing the logs. As we have public IP addresses I tried to
access that URL from my PC: is the public IP of our first or second GF cluster instance
(both give the same result). 24848 is the port defined as
ASADMIN_LISTENER_PORT in the cluster configuration. After entering the
required credentials I got a WEB GUI (see attached screenshot). This looks
interesting, but I do not succeed to get any queues listed, not even
mq.sys.dmq, which I have not deleted (or did not mean to, at least). I also
tried to create a queue indirectly as you have suggested earlier (by creating
a JMS Destination Resource). But it does not show up either. In the Web GUI I
tried filling in destType as "Queue", "javax.jms.Queue", "Topic" and
"javax.jms.Topic" and then pressed the list-jmsdest button. But I never got a
result. Maybe you have an idea what parameters I should add to the URL or how
to operate that little Web GUI? Otherwise I am fine with you leaving this up
the AdminGui/Admin/REST team for further examination.

[Message sent by forum member 'kappert']
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(image/png attachment: list-jmsdest-REST.PNG)