Re: Unable to open web service tester page

From: <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 08:07:52 -0500 (CDT)

I'm also having the same issue with *NetBeans*. If I hit the URL in my
browser http://localhost:8080/WelcomeSOAP/WelcomeSOAP?Tester [1] it shows
error: Error generating artifacts for the following WSDL
http://localhost:8080/WelcomeSOAP/WelcomeSOAP?WSDL Possible causes can be
invoking https when the application is not configured for security And if I
hit the URL by replacing localhost with my computer name mohammadfaisal then
it works. What change I should made in NetBeans so that localhost will be
replaced with my computer name?

[1] #

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