GlassFish PaaS with modular cloud services - seeking feedback

From: Laura Ventura <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 19:18:18 +0000

Our new PaaS is in beta and we're looking for feedback.

The new release supports GlassFish and other containers, plus PHP and individual Amazon-style cloud services
(i.e. Database-as-a-Service, elastic load balancer and elastic cache).

We built our PaaS to run inside the firewall, but a sandbox is available on HP Cloud for free.
You can get an account in less than a minute at

What the sandbox includes:
• HP Cloud Compute
• 1 TB HP Cloud Storage
• MySQL-as-a-Service and MongoDB-as-a-Service
• Elastic Load Balancer (nginx)
• Memcached-as-a-Service (Caching)
• Core Java, Spring and PHP platform (PaaS)

Your input would be immensely appreciated. Thank you.

Kind regards,


Laura Ventura
CumuLogic, Inc.
4555 Great America Pkwy
Santa Clara, CA 95054