Re: Support for Sybase as JMS broker message persistence ...

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 03:58:36 -0500 (CDT)

Sybase is not supported by Glassfish. If you'll create new database schema
for Sybase in properties file (like here [1] -sorry, this isn't in english),
you will have problem with imq broker implementation. For example with class
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.DestinationDAOImpl where is
defined select hereby: selectDstsByBrokerSQL = new StringBuffer(128) 154
.append( "SELECT " ) 155 .append( DESTINATION_COLUMN ) 156 .append( " FROM "
).append( tableName ) 157 .append( " WHERE " ) 158 .append( ID_COLUMN ) 159
.append( " IN (SELECT " ).append( ID_COLUMN ) 160 .append( " FROM " ).append(
tableName ) 161 .append( " WHERE " ).append( IS_LOCAL_COLUMN ).append( " = 0"
) 162 .append( " UNION SELECT dstTbl." ).append( ID_COLUMN ) 163 .append( "
FROM " ).append( tableName ).append( " dstTbl, " ) 164 .append(
dbMgr.getTableName( StoreSessionDAO.TABLE_NAME_PREFIX ) ) 165 .append( "
sesTbl WHERE sesTbl." ) 166 .append( StoreSessionDAO.BROKER_ID_COLUMN
).append( " = ?" ) 167 .append( " AND sesTbl." ).append(
StoreSessionDAO.ID_COLUMN ) 168 .append( " = dstTbl." ).append(
STORE_SESSION_ID_COLUMN ) 169 .append( ")" ) 170 .toString(); and it grows up
problem in Sybase: " Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UNION'"


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