Re: Secure admin bug

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 09:43:04 -0600

Hello, Manuel.

I just did the following successfully:

Unzipped the released distribution.
Started server using the "asadmin start-domain" command.
Logged into the console using the defaults (username admin with no password specified).
Used the console to change the admin password (required for the next step).
Ran the "asadmin enable-secure-admin" command.
Ran the "asadmin restart-domain" command.
Logged into the console using the "admin" username and the password I had just set.

This was using Java SE 1.6.0-33.

The security-related messages posted in the forum note are similar to ones we've seen when the Java SE version is not recent enough.

What Java SE version are you using?

- Tim

On Mar 3, 2013, at 11:53 PM, Manuel Castaņeda wrote:

> Hey everyone.
> I am trying glassfish cluster mode in a linux OS, but I get a a blank page after I try to log in.
> I found some other people has the same problem, since one year ago nobody has post any comment and I want if you could help me.
> The link of the post previously mentioned and which describes the same problem I have is the next:
> Regards...