Struts 1.3.10 and GlassfichV3

From: <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 02:32:44 -0600 (CST)

Hello, I am new in the Glassfish world. I have to migrate an old application
from JBoss 5 to Glassfish 3. Currently, I can't refactor the code and change
the libraries used (it will be done in a second time). The JPA and EJB parts
are OK but I have problems with Struts! Indeed, the application use Struts 1
(it's not a joke) and I have ClassLoader problems to integrate it. I tried to
copy struts dependencies in the domain1/lib/applibs, but Struts couldn't load
classes from my ear. Then I copy Struts libraries in my web-app libs
directory and I upadted my glassfish-web.xml to set classloader delegation to
false but it doesn't work! Has anyone an idea? Solution? Thanks.

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