Re: About glassfish jira's uploading file

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 10:33:31 +0900

Hi Bratt,

Thanks your reply and I see.


Ed Bratt wrote:
> Hi Tang
> I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this change. It was implemented due
> to an avenue for distributing malicious software through the attachments
> to JIRA. The Java.Net community administrators have answered a similar
> question in this forum entry:
> Hopefully, this restriction is only temporary and can be removed soon.
> -- Ed Bratt
> On 1/8/2013 5:33 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
>> Hi Tom, Jira Manager,
>> Happy new year!
>> Recently(from 2013/1/7), I have not uploaded any files into glassfish
>> jira(I can not see "attachment" button from left panel's "Operations"
>> column), so I want to ask whether gf jira has any problem or other...?
>> Thanks
>> --Tang