Re: NetBeans: how-to make my server central and still use window

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:12:18 +0100


Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013, 20:44:36 schrieb
> My problem is that I don't have room for glassfish. (>100MB) on my server. I
> started out just trying to copy my websites to a memory stick. That still
> remains my goal. My site has one memory space and 8 sites there.

Does it work for you right now?

Well, it overally depends upon what exactly you want to do, or rather how your
web projects look like:

- If your web site "only" consists of merely "static" things (JavaScript,
HTML, CSS, maybe some images), then you won't at all need Glassfish to do so;
any web server will do. By then, in your case I eventually just would locate
where these files are, on the local disk, and copy them over to the memory
stick using some file manager.

- If your web site includes Java code such as servlets, JSPs and the like
(i.o.w if you have ".java" files somewhere in your project) you will need a
_running_ Glassfish on your server to make any use of it, which in turns will
require you to, on your web server, not just have enough room to install
Glassfish + a Java Development Kit but also to be able to actually run this
server, in other words have remote shell / console access to that machine.

> [...]desk, I've put my individual sites in a memory space with a GIT. backup
> system. I can, now, click COMMIT and my NetBeans commits my site and
> transfers to my server the changed files. How can I perform the same
> process but transfer my site to a memory stick? And to my backup disk
> system?

As far as copying files is concerned, you should be fine copying your project
folder (usually in ~/NetBeansProjects) to some other storage. However, unless
you really are using just a static web project, the result of this will only
hold _source_ files and will not be usable unless in some way built and
deployed to some server.
