consult the BND spec and make EntityManagerFactory visible thru Export-Package attribute from what i see there is no way for a maven pom.xml which is building an OSGI distro to conditionally export both packages unless you're willing to setup a profile and have OSGI Enable different EntityManagerFactory packages
(depending on the characteristics of the matched profile)
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> To:
> Subject: Re: Service calls from/to OSGI WAB Hybrid applications have wron
> From:
> Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 08:55:52 -0600
> Thanks again Sahoo, While it would be ideal that Glassfish registered an
> EntityManagerFactory as an OSGI service as per the OSGI spec and avoid having
> another JPA extender like Aries(which currently does not work for hibernate)
> and having the two running simultaneously, I have more of an issue with the
> original point of this thread. More precisely, its the presence of the JavaEE
> context in thread locals. If I'm using blueprint there won't be such a
> context during application initialization and we won't be able to use any
> JavaEE during init (or later on if not executing from servlet/webservice
> ect..). Thats why we would need everything available as an OSGI service
> including the EntityManagerFactory. However I am still wondering is there any
> APIs that Glassfish would offer, even as a workaround to be able to set the
> right JavaEE context for a given Thread?
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'chejavara']
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