Re: Service calls from/to OSGI WAB Hybrid applications have wron

From: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 08:55:52 -0600 (CST)

Thanks again Sahoo, While it would be ideal that Glassfish registered an
EntityManagerFactory as an OSGI service as per the OSGI spec and avoid having
another JPA extender like Aries(which currently does not work for hibernate)
and having the two running simultaneously, I have more of an issue with the
original point of this thread. More precisely, its the presence of the JavaEE
context in thread locals. If I'm using blueprint there won't be such a
context during application initialization and we won't be able to use any
JavaEE during init (or later on if not executing from servlet/webservice
ect..). Thats why we would need everything available as an OSGI service
including the EntityManagerFactory. However I am still wondering is there any
APIs that Glassfish would offer, even as a workaround to be able to set the
right JavaEE context for a given Thread?

[Message sent by forum member 'chejavara']
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