Deadlock in Transaction Recovery in Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 04:14:58 -0600 (CST)

Hi, we just discovered a deadlock between several Glassfish threads when
starting the server. We have a simple @Singleton @Startup EJB with a
@PostConstruct method. The code inside this @PostConstruct method tries to
read some data from the database using injected JPA EntityManager. The
Glassfish main thread hangs exactly while executing this singleton. The
deadlock occurs while it tries to obtain a connection from a pool and tries
invoke RecoveryManager.waitForResync. There are another two threads taking
part on the deadlock: JTS Resync Thread (waiting on EventSemaphore inside of
RecoveryManager.proceedWithXARecovery) and Recovery Helper Thread (blocked on
com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant). The main thread is waiting on
EventSemaphore inside of RecoveryManager.waitForResync. So it seems that the
main thread and Recovery Helper Thread are blocking each other. Seems that
Recovery Helper Thread has to do something and than notify all parties
waiting on EventSemaphore, but it can't complete its tasks since it is
blocked on SingletonInhabitant.get, which is owned by the main thread. We
configured the transaction service with the following properties in our
domain.xml: The stack traces of the main thread and the two JTS threads are
attached to the topic. Is it a bug or did we misconfigured something? Best
regards, Sergiy

[Message sent by forum member 'sbarlabanov']
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