Do you have a RAR in your app? If yes, can you make it a stand-alone RAR
instead? Another option is to disable auto-recovery on startup (but that
would also disable the delegated recovery in a cluster).
-marina wrote:
> Hi, we just discovered a deadlock between several Glassfish threads when
> starting the server. We have a simple @Singleton @Startup EJB with a
> @PostConstruct method. The code inside this @PostConstruct method
> tries to
> read some data from the database using injected JPA EntityManager. The
> Glassfish main thread hangs exactly while executing this singleton. The
> deadlock occurs while it tries to obtain a connection from a pool and
> tries
> invoke RecoveryManager.waitForResync. There are another two threads
> taking
> part on the deadlock: JTS Resync Thread (waiting on EventSemaphore
> inside of
> RecoveryManager.proceedWithXARecovery) and Recovery Helper Thread
> (blocked on
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant). The main thread is waiting on
> EventSemaphore inside of RecoveryManager.waitForResync. So it seems
> that the
> main thread and Recovery Helper Thread are blocking each other. Seems
> that
> Recovery Helper Thread has to do something and than notify all parties
> waiting on EventSemaphore, but it can't complete its tasks since it is
> blocked on SingletonInhabitant.get, which is owned by the main thread. We
> configured the transaction service with the following properties in our
> domain.xml: The stack traces of the main thread and the two JTS
> threads are
> attached to the topic. Is it a bug or did we misconfigured something?
> Best
> regards, Sergiy
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'sbarlabanov']
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