Re: Webstart fails with FileNotFoundException on ...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 16:54:06 -0600 (CST)

Hello, Ian. You said that you have the same version of Java on the server and
client side. Does this mean you are using separate systems for the client and
server? If so, then the problem might come from using "localhost" in the host
name when the client is being launched. If the GlassFish server is not
running on localhost then Java Web Start will be unable to retrieve the
required files (including the JNLP document) from localhost:8080. My
suggestion: If you have successfully deployed the app then the server.log
will contain a message that tells what the path (that is, the URL excluding
the host and port) for launching the app client. If the GlassFish server is
running on server X then from any system with Java (and therefore Java Web
Start installed) you should be able to launch the client using this command:
javaws "http://X:8080/path-to-client" where 'path-to-client' is the path from
the server.log file. (I am assuming here that you are using the default HTTP
port of 8080. If you have customized GlassFish to use another port then
specify that port in the javaws URL.) If you don't see such a message in the
server.log file then the deployment was done in a way that does not enable
Java Web Start support for the client(s) in that app. Launching this way
(using the javaws command) simplifies things by taking some moving parts out
of the picture (NetBeans, the admin console). Please try that and let us know
what you find. - Tim P.S. Yes, I'm aware that GlassFish provides automatic
Java Web Start support for app clients. I'm the engineer who built the Java
Web Start support in GlassFish. There has been some confusion about the
enabled/disabled state as displayed and set via the admin console. That's why
I urge you to check for the log message in server.log.

[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']
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