Re: Webstart fails with FileNotFoundException on ...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 16:20:14 -0600 (CST)

G'day I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.8 (can't go higher), Java 1.6.0_33 (server and
client side), and Glassfish 3.1.2. Glassfish is running under NetBeans
control. Glassfish doesn't install and either it or Java 1.6.0_39 no
longer has the bouncycastle provider installed which is a problem I haven't
overcome yet. Don't want to go there. The JWS call fails both on the combined
NetBeans / Glassfish host and another Mac on the local network running the
same browser and Java version. There are no exceptions thrown in the
Glassfish log during the attempted launch of the client. Unlike I reported
earlier there is now a file called '___system_s1as.jnlp' present in the
domain java-web-start directory. So presumably:
'http://localhost:8080/___JWSappclient/___system/___dyn/' in the call isn't
resolving in Glassfish to the domain java web start directory. A permissions
problem or similar is unlikely since someone, presumably Glassfish, wrote the
jnlp file there in the first place. I've tried the failing URL by hand now
that there is a file in the domain JWS directory. As expected no resource is
returned so the FileNotFound diagnostic is accurate. I've done nothing that I
am aware of to upset successful resolution of the path in the URL - I'm
working in the standard domain1. There aren't even any spaces in the names of
any of the directories in the path to the domain JWS directory. And again
Glassfish was able to follow the path to write the file. One thing I have
tried is to properly deploy the client for JWS. As you are probably aware
application clients are automatically JSW enabled in Glassfish. However they
don't show as such in the admin server. They can be made to show as such by
(in the admin server): undeploying the NetBeans deployed client; deploying
the client (which doesn't offer JWS enablement); and redeploying the client
and selecting JWS enablement (which is now offered). The client then shows as
JWS enabled. If makes no difference whether I do this or not - the same
FileNotFound exception is still thrown. -- Ian

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