Re: RIZZLY0023: Interruptin g idle Thread glassfish ...

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 03:38:06 -0600 (CST)

Hi Blaze, the dump is not that helpful :( BTW, do you see the
"GRIZZLY0023:..." message in the log? If not - it has to be different issue.
I see only one busy Grizzly thread, which is running some GWT RPC task, but
there are lots of EJB threads, so it might be one of them. Let's try to
figure out which exactly thread is consuming 100% CPU. I found a blog [1],
which looks useful. Let me know if it works for you. Thanks. WBR, Alexey. [1]

[Message sent by forum member 'oleksiys']
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