Re: Cluster sometimes stops without any exception

From: Fialli Joe <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:23:50 -0500

On 11/26/12 1:11 PM, wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. The server was configured with an automated
> tool. There
> are multiple machines in our network that use the same tool to configure
> Glassfish. Thus, all instances will have the same name (the tool
> creates 2
> cluster instances). If i understand correctly, what you are saying is
> that
> some instances might share (besides the same name) the same multicast
> group
> address and multicast port being used by Shoal GMS.
If one just created the cluster using the command

% asadmin create-cluster <some-cluster-name>

and did that twice to two different DASes, you would never get the same
group address and port associated with even the same cluster-name.

It looks to me that the tool is explicitly providing the multicast group
address and port.
When that is done, the local admin must ensure it is unique for each
combination of cluster name and DAS.

Here is the command that I suspect that automated tool is using:

% asadmin create-cluster --multicastaddress /
--multicast-port /16084 <some-cluster-name>

The tool should not be explicitly specifying the information.

You can find the cluster configuration element in element cluster in
and in the clustered instances in

Here is a sample:

<cluster gms-multicast-port="49000"
                 name="myCluster" gms-multicast-address=""

The attribute values gms-multicast-port and gms-multicast-address are
generated by the create-cluster AS LONG as
no one specifies them. Looks like in your case they are being
specified. Or someone is copying around domain.xml
after it is created the first time. Running asadmin create-cluster with
same cluster name to different das would
not generate same multicast group address and same multicast port.

> Does this mean that if a
> shutdown message is being sent to an instance on one machine, there is a
> chance of two or more instances on different machines actually
> receiving the
> signal? If this is the case, I believe we should make sure that all
> instances
> have different Shoal GMS addresses and/or ports. Can you please confirm?
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'sebigavril']
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