Glassfish and ssh authentication

From: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 04:40:27 -0600 (CST)

Dear All, Could you please help to solve issue. We have GlassFish b4.
And several AIX host. GF domain was successfully installed on host1. When I
tried to create additional node on host2, I have following issues: 1) If
user_at_host2 have setup password: $GF_HOME/bin/asadmin ssh-setup host2 Enter
remote password for user_at_host2> SSH key setup failed: Unexpected end of sftp
stream. Command setup-ssh failed. 2) If user_at_host2 have no password: Failed
to connect or authenticate: Authentication method publickey not supported by
the server at this stage. Enter remote password for user_at_host2> Failed to
connect or authenticate: Authentication method publickey not supported by the
server at this stage. SSH key setup failed: Password authentication failed.
Command setup-ssh failed. Additiona: asadmin fails when executing
‘create-ssh-node’, below is the entry from server.log:
not connect to host host2 using SSH.: Could not authenticate. : host=host2
port=22 user=user password=null keyFile=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
keyPassPhrase=null authType=null knownHostFile=/home/user/.ssh/known_hosts|#]
It possible to create additional nodes/setups by ssh without password? I
newbie on GF... could you please help me? Thank you

[Message sent by forum member 'glavriba']
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