Re: loadbalancer iPlanet auto apply config

From: Kshitiz Saxena <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:31:08 +0530

Hi Thomas,

Please ignore the error you see in webserver admin console. The
apply-http-lb-changes command only impact the load-balancer xml in
instance config directory and not in admin server's config-store. Since
they are not in sync, you see that error message from webserver admin

If apply-http-lb-changes goes fine, and load-balancing is working fine,
then ignore above error.


On 12/11/12 9:16 PM, Thomas CATTY wrote:
> loadbalancer iPlanet auto apply config Hello friends,
> To better explain the issue about applying the changes in the
> loadbalancer.xml file in iPlanet Webserver, I've attached a screenshot
> showing the message appearing
> on the screen (on the Web admin of iPlanet) when I create a
> loadbalancer from the DAS and apply the changes, as with these
> commands :
> (assuming = LB iplanet and = DAS glassfish,
> each of the on a separate VM )
> asadmin --host --port 4848 --secure create-http-lb
> --devicehost --deviceport 8082 --httpsrouting --target
> cluster1 cluster_lb
> asadmin apply-http-lb-changes cluster_lb
> The attachment is in french (sorry) but basically in a few words it is
> said that the config file (loadbalancer.xml) has changed and I'm
> asked whether I want them apply or not.
> first line : i dont want and the LB won't work
> second line : I approve the changes and then it works.
> What I would like is : skip this step and that the config auto applies
> without warnings. (I've tried to make a chmod 755 on the "config" and
> "config-store" folders on the LB but didn't change anything)
> Everything is well set up with SSL (export of s1as is done etc...)
> (thanks to jtclingan videos on youtube ;-) )
> The link seems OK between LB ( and the DAS (
> but...
> /Anything to see with the fact they are virtualized ? - I really don't
> think -
> ('cause such a strange behavior also happens with my glassfish
> clusters on SSH nodes when I want to check the health with "asadamin
> validate-multicast" : the instances don't see each others ..
> although the ping or others network commands work fine ...)
> /
> Thanks in advance guys !
> I need to solve these unknown issues.
> --
> Thomas CATTY
> "/There are three ways to get something done; do it yourself, hire
> someone,
> or forbid your kids to do it./" (/Mona Crane)
> /