Re: Continuous Build

From: Oleg Tsal-Tsalko <>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 19:33:19 +0200

Hi Martin,

I don't really interesting in build status notification via emails.
Is it possible lets say for me go to some Hudson page to watch GF builds
(history, logs, configuration...)?

Thank you,

2012/10/28 Martin Gainty <>

> damn straight
> ask your build and release manager to be included in the email
> notifications for Glassfish
> Generally if you do NOT receive notifications from the build it means the
> build created the distro and passed all Testcases
> Martin Gainty
> ______________________________________________
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:31:25 +0300
> Subject: Fwd: Continuous Build
> From:
> To:
> Not sure it was successfully sent first time...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ** <>
> Date: 2012/10/27
> Subject: Continuous Build
> To:
> Hi guys,
> How can I view Hudson continuous builds for GF.
> Developing GlassFish -> Continuous Build link doesn't work for me.
> What I'm doing wrong? Probably I need to have some additional
> privileges to watch the builds?
> Thank you,
> Oleg