Hi Mauro, sorry, but I really cannot help you with Tomcat-specific
classloading stuff (Tomcat is really out of scope for me, unless I were to
run into a customer trying to run a scenario like yours). I fear that Tomcat
won't evaluate the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the gf-client.jar if you simply
put this file into Tomcat's classpath. Also, as stated by the doc link, the
manifest-managed way of determining the classpath does only work if you keep
the relative file system structure (simply check the contents of the
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF "Class-Path" entry and you will know what I mean: they
do contain relative paths from the GF installation. You may want to consider
the results of the package-appclient script. Also, maybe Google can be used
to help you here (I did not check whether this indeed works):
Still, it might be preferable to put all the GF client libraries needed into
the WEB-INF/lib orf your Tomcat web app WAR file, as opposed to modifying
system-wide Tomcat classpaths. Best regards, Andreas
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