Re: EJB remote deployed on GF 3.1 behind a NAT unaccessible

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 15:31:33 -0500 (CDT)

Hi Mauro, [quote=mauro2011] 1) into the iiop-listener default of glassfsih at
port 3700 what ip hi have to set? or ip private of my LAN or the ip public adress of my router ???????? [/quote] Either (will cause GF to listen on all network interfaces of your machine)
or the private IP within your LAN (behind the NATing device) to listen on
just this interface. [quote=mauro2011] 2) into the /etc/host and /etc/hosts
what i have to set? [/quote] The hostname of your machine needs to be
resolved to its proper local LAN (behind the NATing device) IP address -
whether via DNS or via /etc/hosts. [quote=mauro2011] 3) if into my panel
administration of glassfsih i add a new iiop listener at port 3701 for
example for the ORB request from my LAN it is correct ? what ip i have to set
into iiop listener? ? [/quote] As above - either use for
all interfaces of your machine or use the local LAN IP of the appropriate
inbound interface (behind the NATing device). [quote=mauro2011] in that case
the default port 3700 it is for orb request from outside LAN , from the
internet , and from 3701 from the other pc from my LAN. Or it is not legal
have 2 listenr iiop on port 3700 and 3701 ???????? [/quote] It is perfectly
legal to have two ORB listeners on two ports, but your issue most probably is
that you have only one system property, i.e. you can either have it set or
not set, therefore if you set the virtual address agent (VAA) properties as
system properties, your GF instance will no longer be able to answer to
requests from your local LAN (on neither port). It is therefore mandatory
that in case you need to call into your GF from inside the firewall/NATing
device as well as from the outside, you *must not* set the properties as
system properties, but only as custom InitialContext properties from those
clients which reside outside the firewall/NAT device. [quote=mauro2011] 4)
form your post your suggest to set the properties: if i have understand i
have to set org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost" and at
the same value for example ??(the public adress of my router
???) [/quote] Yes, that's right: Both org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort and have to be the same value, namely the public IP
address of GF as seen from outside the firewall/NATing device.
[quote=mauro2011] The ORBUserConfigurators value doesn't matter. what it is
your value "dummy"?????? [/quote] It is important that you set the property
to a non-null value, but it is not important what that specific value is (the
test is coded whether the property is null or not). So you can set it to any
value besides an empty string right of the "=" char. [quote=mauro2011] thank
you Mauro[/quote] You're welcome - I hope it will start working for you now
with these hints... :-) Best regards, Andreas

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