Re: deploy and distibuting standalone client application

From: <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:37:21 -0500 (CDT)

Hi. Have you read this documentation? It
describes how GlassFish automatically lets you launch app clients using Java
Web Start. As a developer, you don't need to do anything different as you
develop your application. As for library files that the client needs, the
GlassFish Java Web Start support automatically makes the required library
files available to the client. This includes JARs in the EAR's library
directory (/lib by default) and also any JARs referenced from the app client
JAR's manifest Class-Path setting. Be aware that the first time you launch a
client using Java Web Start on a system Java Web Start has to download quite
a few files from the server, but these are cached on the client system so
later launches happen much faster. - Tim

[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']
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