Re: What is the official GlassFish position on which kind of DataSources to use?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 15:06:35 -0700

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Marina Vatkina

> I can answer the XA vs. non-XA part: non-XA resource commit is faster, and
> if it's a single non-XA resource in a transaction, GF doesn't even start
> the XA parts. But (of course) you can have only 1 non-XA resource in a
> transaction, and if you have 2 resources, and the resource or the server
> crashes (and tx recovery on startup is enabled) the non-XA resource cannot
> be recovered.

Sure; XA is a special case for sure. In the non-XA case: I'm more trying
to figure out why on earth you would ever NOT pick
javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource wherever it is offered to you at setup
time? Is there a valid case?

