Re: symbolic link in application delete contents after redeploy

From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:11:43 -0400

This sounds like a bug. Can you file an issue with a reproducible test
case (with the steps)? When you said the behavior was different for
previous version, which version is that?


- Hong

cluster wrote:
> Hi all,
> with the last release of glassfish and also in 3.1.2 i have
> noticed a strange behaviour when i undeploy or redeploy an
> application.. If I deploy an application and then create a symbolic
> link inside it (that point for example to external storage) when I
> redeploy the application all the content of this link is recursively
> deleted.. In the previous version an undeploy or redeploy only delete
> the link but not all its content. Do you think is it a bug? Or a new
> feature? Is possible to fix this to permit the deletion of the
> symbolic link but not the content.
> Regards
> Simone Cariani