Question regarding context-root in admin UI

From: Noah White <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 10:21:21 -0400

When deploying a WAR via the admin UI the context root is automatically set to the name of the WAR file minus the .war extension.

This is regardless of the presence of a <context-root> defined in a glassfish-web.xml or a web.xml file.

If I want to override this behavior I have to manually set the Context Root field in the admin UI to the same value in application's web.xml.

This becomes an issue when you name your WAR file with version information. For example MyApplication-1.0.1.war or MyApplication-Experimental.war but you want the deployed context root to be version agnostic.

If you use the asadmin cmd line tool to deploy then it will use the context-root specified in the *web.xml file by default. Much simpler!

I would like the admin UI to behave the way asadmin does in this regard as it is simpler to deploy. Is there a way to configure things so that it will?

