Re: glassfish (build 5) - default install - problem with keeping too many connections in the queue, while system usage is low

From: Mladen Adamovic <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 20:59:08 +0200

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Oleksiy Stashok
<> wrote:
> You're absolutely right. Can you pls. file an issue?

I filed issue no 18926 for this:

> No, it's the max number of keep-alive requests allowed on a single
> connection.

> Hmm, it's probably terminology problem again. When request comes on a
> connection we put connection to a queue to process its request.
> So number of time connection was queued is more or less equivalent to a
> number HTTP requests processed (it might not be true for HTTP pipelined
> requests).

Hm, so if some bots are using keep-alive connections, than if there is
only 5 threads processing requests, they might be busy processing
keep-alive bots and visitors might have to wait.
That's why I think raising default number of threads for
httpthreadpool to Max Thread Pool Size: 400
I think default server config needs to raise this value, assuming that
512 connections server can handle, if I'm correct.
(most servers, including virtualized ones can handle 1024 connections,
but half of them might go to DB server if used).

Mladen Adamovic
Drziceva 9, 11120 Belgrade-Zvezdara, Serbia
(Business Registration Number 62612240)
Tel. +381-66-058-595