Running GlassFish 3.1.2 with Apache HTTP Server blog post

From: Rahman USTA <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 20:37:40 +0300

Hi Amy, im Usta,

i read your blog post ;

Thats good article. I did first step, in second step i tried to load
balance apache http server. i didnt handle this stuation.

For example;

i have two glassfish instance ; fish_1 and fish_2

asadmin&gt; create-system-properties --target instance1 AJP_PORT=8009
asadmin&gt; create-system-properties --target instance1
asadmin&gt; create-system-properties --target instance2 AJP_PORT=8010
asadmin&gt; create-system-properties --target instance2
asadmin&gt; create-system-properties --target instance3 AJP_PORT=8011

Your post above, i estimate instance1 must replace fish_1 and instance2
must replace fish_2.

Where did you bring out instance 3 and 8011 port??

\AJP_INSTANCE_NAME=instance2 in this, whats the effect \ ??

Thanks a lot

Rahman USTA