admin console clobbers sessions

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 15:28:22 -0400

Hi all,

This is something I've seen intermittently, but never bothered to
track down until now. It's very simple to recreate using a new 3.1.2
GF installation. If I deploy an application at / and use it, then if I
load the admin console as well the session gets lost for my
application. If I start over there, then the admin console session is
lost. Am guessing it's just a side effect of two applications setting
cookies at /, but it's not a good user experience to have everyone
effective logged out if I need to use the admin console (not to
mention that the admin console is unusable with users constantly
logging in). Is this a bug in GF or something unavoidable if I'm
deploying apps to the DAS? FWIW, I don't remember this in GF 2.X.

To recreate, use the attached app (zip has one class and pom.xml).
Start GF, deploy app to / and go to http://localhost:8080 in a
browser. Click the button a couple times to increment the counter.
Then load the admin console in another tab and go back to app. When
you click the button, you'll see an error message and have to reload
the page, which starts a new session and starts the counter over at 0
again. Then if you go back to the admin console you will have lost
that session too.

I know I could work around this by running the app on a standalone
instance instead of the DAS, or by deploying to something other than
/; am just curious if there's another option instead. Should I just
change the context root for the __admingui app (or would that cause
even more trouble for me).
