Re: GlassFish 3.1.2 is here!

From: x <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 16:49:29 +0900

Thanks Laird for your helpful comment.
I have changed the repository and trying the build again.


On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 1:14 AM, Laird Nelson <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:32 AM, x <> wrote:
>> I checked out the source repository for 3.1.2 and launched the build "mvn
>> -U clean install" then the following error occurred.
>> [ERROR] Non-parseable POM
>> C:\Users\xz\.m2\repository\net\java\jvnet-parent\1\jvnet-parent-1.pom:
>> Expected root element 'project' but found 'html' (position: START_TAG seen
>> <html>... @1:6) @
>> C:\Users\xz\.m2\repository\net\java\jvnet-parent\1\jvnet-parent-1.pom, line
>> 1, column 6 -> [Help 2]
> This can happen when you are using an internet provider who "helpfully"
> returns an HTML page instead of a true 404 error. Verizon (in the US) used
> to do this, as did Charter. Basically, Maven (or any HTTP client) will ask
> for a particular resource, and the ISP will claim that this resource has
> been found (HTTP 200) even if it is truly missing. The ISP in this case
> serves back an HTML page chock full of advertising and some supposedly
> helpful text that is designed to help a human user find what you were
> presumably really looking for. Of course, this approach confuses Maven
> (and any other HTTP client that is not a web browser) because as far as
> Maven can tell, the resource it asked for exists, so it downloads it. In
> this case, instead of downloading a pom file, you have downloaded some sort
> of HTML page. Then Maven (in this case) tries to parse that HTML page as a
> pom.xml file and fails (understandably).
> This will happen sometimes if you've taken your laptop to a café or
> something like that in the past; this file might have been downloaded and
> put in your local Maven repository a long time ago.
> Sometimes this happened with Oracle resources as well, though when I try
> to point my web browser at
> do in fact get a 404.
> Finally, you should read this:
> Hope all this helps.
> Best,
> Laird
> --