Re: Cleaning up after a failed deployment?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 14:19:41 -0400

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 1:59 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi, Laird
> First, the server is supposed to clean up for the failed deployment and
> not the user, but I guess there are some bugs somewhere. :-) If you have a
> reproducible case, you could file an issue and we can look into it.
> I don't have a complete list of where things should be cleaned up. But
> from the error message you got, it seems the application is still
> registered in the application registry in memory, so to solve this, the
> server probably needs to be restarted.

Yeah; this is on a 3.1.2 build 12 (yes, 12, it's a long story) system, so
I'm not really going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what's
going on.

I do know that in general the server is supposed to clean up. However,
we've run into the Inconsistent module state error and some others over the
years--there are certainly ways for the server to get its brains
scrambled. :-)

We'll try the restart.

Another symptom of this failed undeploy/deploy cycle is the weird message
in the logs that the admin user on localhost has no administration
privileges. But I specify the admin user and authenticate with a non-null
password, so indeed he does have administration privileges. The whole
thing is rather mysterious.

