Re: Creating a DCOM node...without install-node-dcom

From: Joe Di Pol <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 13:32:42 -0700


You can try create-node-dcomm but it may suffer from the
same bug as install-node-dcom (I'm not sure). This configures
the DAS to know about a particular GlassFish installation on
the Windows box. You can then create instances on this node
using create-instance and start them using start-instance.

Another option is to install an SSH service on your remote
Windows box and use create-node-ssh. Here is an old, but
still relevant blog that includes some pointers on doing

The final option is to create the instances directly on
the remote Windows box and register them with the DAS
using the create-local-instance command. In this case
you will have to start/stop the instances directly
on the Windows machine (start-instance and start-cluster
via the DAS won't work). Some details here:

Hope this helps,


On 4/25/12 10:33 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> Given that install-node-dcom doesn't really work for my setup
> (,
>, and given that I already
> have Glassfish 3.1.2 software on my DAS server and on the Windows box
> that I would like to function as a node, how (if I can) would I go about
> letting my DAS know about the Glassfish server on my Windows box?
> Basically, if I'm understanding all these administration concepts
> appropriately, I just want the DAS to be able to create instances on the
> Windows box. Is that possible via some other recipe that doesn't
> encounter the bugs above?
> Thanks,
> Laird
> --