Re: Creating a new asadmin command?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 12:10:35 -0400

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Tom Mueller <>wrote:

> Note that the documentation above only talks about implementing remote
> commands. Local commands use the CLICommand class instead of the
> AdminCommand interface.

Thank you! Could you point me as well towards the proper definition of a
local versus a remote command? I know colloquially that a remote asadmin
command needs a server to talk that it?

In my case, I am looking to make it easier to manage a database from within
the asadmin environment--it technically isn't GlassFish administration per
se at all. Therefore I don't believe that I need to talk to a server at
all. Would a local command best serve my needs here?

(I'm shooting for the following steps:

(enter the little mini-shell)
liquibase-update --various --arguments
(Liquibase goes and does its thing against a database...or perhaps I would
force a connection pool reference here (in which case I WOULD need to talk
to a server, fetch a connection pool by ID, etc.))
deploy /some/ear/file.ear

...hope that helps.)

