Re: Creating a new asadmin command?

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:02:14 -0500

General information on writing asadmin commands is here:

To deliver it via update center, you would drop the OSGi bundle into the
glassfish/modules directory (for a remote command) or the
glassfish/lib/asadmin directory (for a local command).

Note that the documentation above only talks about implementing remote
commands. Local commands use the CLICommand class instead of the
AdminCommand interface.


On 4/12/2012 10:31 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> If I wanted to create (via, say, the update center) a new asadmin
> command, where would be the best place to start reading up on it?
> I dimly recall Byron Nevins (hope I've got that name right) added one
> in support of DCOM that was shipped via the update center...I'd like
> to do one that would enable me to run a Liquibase update command
> (
> Best,
> Laird
> --