Thank you, Tim, for answering.
On 03/25/2012 07:55 PM, Tim Quinn wrote:
> You can list the users with this command:
> asadmin list-file-users --authrealmname admin-realm
I have run the command you suggested. The output is just one line with
the name "admin". So it seems there is only this user, right? But for
this user I already changed the password. Do you have another idea,
what's going wrong?
> This will list all of the users that appear in the admin realm (which is
> the one of interest in this case).
> I would strongly suggest you download the very latest release of
> GlassFish, which is 3.1.2. (3.1 which is described in the posting you
> referred to is quite old at this point).
It's version 3.1.2 I am using but the tutorial was made for version 3.1.
> - Tim
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Thilo Ratnaweera wrote:
>> Hi Glassfish community,
>> I have recently installed an instance of Glassfish mostly following
>> this tutorial:
>> So the status is: I have one domain set up, I can see the management
>> web front end via http://hostname:4848 and I successfully changed the
>> admin password with the command change-admin-password.
>> If I try to run enable-secure-admin, the command fails with the
>> message: "remote failure: At least one admin user has an empty
>> password, which secure admin does not permit. Use the
>> change-admin-password command or the admin console to create non-empty
>> passwords for admin accounts."
>> This shouldn't happen I thought because I've already changed the
>> password.
>> Is there a way how to find out if there are some other admin users
>> that might still have default passwords? I didn't find any command
>> that will list admin users.
>> Thanks for any directions!
>> Regards
>> Thilo