Re: Authorization problems with Embedded Glassfish 3.1.1

From: Nigini Abilio <>
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 11:36:05 -0300

Hi Sahoo. Non-OSGi.
Nigini Abilio Oliveira

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Sahoo <> wrote:

> **
> What kind of embedded environment is it? OSGi or non-OSGi?
> Sahoo
> On Friday 03 February 2012 08:08 PM, Nigini Abilio wrote:
> Hello community.
> I'm using Embedded Glassfish to deploy a JEE 5 web application. Using
> version 3.1 I was successful to:
> 1. Deploy it in a normal (not embedded) environment;
> 2. Based on the 1st step, create an embedded deploy.
> Then, something changed that I cannot succeed anymore. Every time I try to
> log-in, I get a 403 error, meaning that my environment is working (could
> make authentication) but my authorization rules are not good! OK. You can
> think that it was obviously a codding/configuration problem, but the fact
> is that the same .WAR can be deployed and runs smoothly when I'm not at an
> embedded environment (now 3.1.1 version). I've just tried to repeat the two
> steps above to the 3.1.1 version, but the same error appear.
> Is there anyone here that could help to brainstorm about it, and/or
> point to some material I can read about? Anything would help.
> Sincerely.
> __________________________
> Nigini Abilio Oliveira