Re: Glassfish installation advice

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 20:58:08 +0000

The PC has now been formatted. If the name is changed, would it cause any problems to the old glassfish installation, of copied back to its original dir?

EVE'S iPhone

On 23 Feb 2012, at 17:23, "Sathyan Catari" <> wrote:

> Yes it should. May be a silly question, but worth asking. Did you stop all the GlassFish related
> processes prior to doing the backup to make sure that there were no open/locked files?
> Thanks
> Sathyan
> On 2/23/12 8:56 AM, Eve Pokua wrote:
>> The PC is not yet formatted. So I can copy / cut the dir back where it was and everything should work as usual?
>> EVE'S iPhone
>> On 23 Feb 2012, at 07:02, "Sathyan Catari"<> wrote:
>>> On 2/22/12 10:09 PM, Eve Pokua wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I had glassfish 2.1 installed and also 3.0.1 and 3.1.1 installed. I am on the process of formatting my PC as I have issues with the PC. I ave backed up my files including glassfish directories, by cutting files across to another drive. I can't remember but I think there was some complaints that some files name length was too long to be copied. But then after I checked, there was no files left behind. So i assumed every was copied across.
>>> If you haven't formatted your PC, then can you do a quick validation of the zip archives by unzipping them in new install directories?
>>>> So, what is best practice?
>>> Backup/Restore would just work fine as long as the followings are taken care of
>>> -No embedded paths in Domain configuration(ex. reference to libraries outside of GF install)
>>> -No Windows services are created
>>>> Copy the glassfish directories back again or download and install fresh ones? I like to keep up to date with fixes and that. For the 2.1, I ave a cluster of it on another PC. I suspect I still need the 2.1 as I ave applications I ave developed with ejb and persistent one / 2, before ejb3 and persistent 3, new development. And so I ave not change the programming codes.
>>> Java EE backward compatibilities are guaranteed.
>>>> Any comments appreciated. Thanks
>>>> EVE