Re: [platform-dev] Re: NetBeans Platform as enterprise application deployed from glassfish

From: Florent THOMAS <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 09:09:38 +0100

Hy timon,

Thanks for answering. Below my answers.

Le 20/02/2012 22:48, Timon Veenstra a écrit :
>> What I would like to is to have both benefits :
>> - Benefits from the NB platform for GUI and RCP
>> - Benefits from EJB
>> - Benfits from the deployment from a GF server
> You can distribute your application through webstart which could be
> served by your GlassFish application server.
> You can also use your GlassFish server as central backend for your
> rich client frontend.
> Using EE functionality like EJB will probably require some tricks but
> is probably possible.
Ouch, I don't really like "tricks" that lowering the benefits of the
> I have successfully used this kind of setup in the past (with spring
> instead of ejb and on oracle application server) .
>> I would like to have a NetBeans RCP app in a EA project instead of the usual
>> JavaSwing App Client.
>> Am I explaining well my needs?
> If you mean to say you want to use a netbeans rcp application as
> frontend for your glassfish backend, yes :)
> Though your netbeans app will not be "in" another project.
> You can develop the frontend in a different project from the backend
> and use a shared set of code to communicate.
Here, I don't understand well. You say that netbeans app will not be IN
but you also said that the frontend (Netbeans RCP) will be in a
different project.

Another question, when you're talking about a shered set of code to
communicate, do you means for example that it won't be possible to
inject EJB by annotations in the nbm modules?

Thanks for sharing your expertise.
> Cheers,
> Timon
