help, question about glassfish dual license and embedded glassfish on commercial app..

From: Paulo Cristo <>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 12:34:43 +0000

Hi everyone,
i've read the 2 licenses but i still have some doubts... and i really
appreciate any feedback...
 maybe this list could help me?... (i apologize in advance if this is not
the correct list)..
Hope this question makes sense

But here's the deal...

I've developed a web app (jsf + jpa + ejb) and i want to distribute it,
like a commercial app... so, i have a war file...
Now, i want to use glassfish embedded jars, to bundle all together and let
the user start the aplication as a normal/regular java application...
(create a Main class, that starts the server and deploys the war file)...
(just 4 or 5 lines of code)...

Do i have to release the source code of my app? (i'm just using the jar..
to start embedded glassfish)
Or just ship the licenses, together with the jars... ? (and maybe do some
doc with some reference to the jars used...)
Do i need to choose one of the licenses..? (maybe CDDL) ?

Thanks in advance

Paulo Cristo