Re: need help with GlassFish install front-ended by Apache2 ...

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 18:07:45 +0100

In the domain.xml you have two jk listeners configured on the same port,
which isn't good:

<network-listener port="8009" protocol="gf_listener" transport="tcp" name="gf_listener" jk-enabled="true" thread-pool="http-thread-pool"></network-listener>
<network-listener port="8009" protocol="http-listener-1" transport="tcp" name="jk-connector" jk-enabled="true" jk-configuration-file="/home/glassfish/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/" thread-pool="http-thread-pool"></network-listener>

also gf_listener is not registered on the virtual server listeners:

         <virtual-server id="server" network-listeners="*http-listener-1, http-listener-2*">
           <property name="default-web-xml" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/default-web.xml"></property>

> not quite sure why I need to issue a create-http-listener (for
> gb_listener)
> as well as a create-network-listener (for jk-connector listener).
> Could you
> explain when one is used versus the other and if they're always both
These commands do similar things, create-http-listener is kept because
of backwards compatibility w/ earlier GF version.
You shouldn't use both of them.

Looks like jk-connector was created properly, and gf_listener not. So
can you pls. install GF anew and repeat the steps you completed to
create just jk-connector (not gf_listener). It should be enough.
Not sure about 3.1.1 administration guide (can you pls. send the link
what exactly you refer), but step #4 from Amy's blog works for me.
