Re: SSL on Glassfish - having trouble setting it up

From: <>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 03:40:02 -0600 (CST)

Jim, thank you for your detailed answer!

Maybe I should delete the original keystore again and start all over from

I changed the default master password from "changeit" to something more
secure using the "asadmin" command and believe it is okay.
Do you know if I have to adjust settings to reach my Apex listener
application using glassfish listener2, or should it work right away?

I even tried to call my deployed Apex application via port 8181, with no
success though. Might be the certificate itself I guess, since I only have
one entry in keystore.jks and assumingly the same entry in cacerts.jks as
well. I used a certain keytool command during the import of my certificate
which addressed both, the key and truststore at once.
How did you do it?

Do you know if there's a way to split the original p12 certificate into
seperate certification files after conversion to pem.
When reading the content of that specific pem file, I noticed different
entries for CA, the keypair etc. Actually quite confusing if you ask me!

Thanks for your help, I'll try to delete the original keystore tomorrow and
create a new one. Do you have the syntax at hand for deletion?


[Message sent by forum member 'skahlert2010']
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